tran·spic·u·ous, adjective
It means transparent, easily understood, lucid.

Books by Lori O’Gara

What do you believe in? Open your mind to possibility. The possibility that there is a loving God who wants to be known. There is possibly another way to serve God, love humans, and live your faith than what you think you know. In short chapters, this book explores the concept of belief from a unique perspective that challenges you to broaden your belief in God, love, Jesus, and truth.

We, humans, must find our own individual way to the divine. While we serve God, our focus is on seeking to love God with a pure and deep love. If you are a spiritual person, you know what it means to hear a still small voice. Some people call it the conscience and others call it the voice of integrity. Some people call it the voice of God. This book is for those who want to be alone with God and feel his love one breath at a time. Breath by Breath is a contemplative view of the love of God.

Prayer is a conversation between your heart and the heart of God. It is a connection of your spirit to the divine. Prayer is a personal way to experience God. This book offers an in-depth look at the mystery of prayer, example prayers, and commentary based on scripture. Also, the author shares outlined conversations with the Divine that are not meant to be word for word prayers, but they can be. It is the faithful prayers known and unknown to the soul that gives power to the Christian spirit.

About the Author

Lori O’Gara is a writer of contemporary fiction, fantasy, and real-life commentary. She is an advocate of human decency, believes that magic is real and love is a gift from the Divine. When not at the beach, writing or reading, she can be found wandering the stacks in her library, watching Doctor Who or spending time with her family.  

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